Mandate and tasks
The framework of our mandate is issued by the Government in a specific instruction. Parliament determines, by means of its annual appropriation directions, the objectives and reporting requirements we have against the Government. This also includes the size of our funding.
It must be safe and sustainable to live and travel in Sweden. Accordingly, our mandate is to prevent and minimize the negative impact of landslides, erosion and contaminated sites. We also work for safe, economic and environmentally sustainable development in the geotechnical field.
Our task is determined by the Government and can be read in its entirety on the Parliamentary website in the Ordinance (2009: 945) with instructions for the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (the information is in Swedish).
Parliament determines annually the amount of funding we receive in order to perform our assignment. The appropriation direction sets out what the Government wishes SGI to work with during the year and how we must report back specific assignments that are directed towards us. The Gota Älv Study (2009-2012) is an example of a special government mission that we were allocated in recent years.
In our role as an expert agency we collect, develop and distribute knowledge to society. This knowledge we attain through research, consulting and cooperation with others both nationally and internationally. A more detailed description of our key tasks you can find here:
- Reducing the risks for subsidence and landslides
- Reducing the risks for coastal erosion
- More efficient soil works
- Remediation of contaminated areas
- Climate adaptation
In a response to the Swedish government, we have described how our work can contribute to the fulfilment of United Nations sustainable development goals and Agenda 2030 .