Photo: Anne Dillner/Scandinav bildbyrå

The Tuffo program

The Tuffo program aims to produce new knowledge that will contribute to an increased pace in the remediation of contaminated sites in Sweden, and enable the fulfilment of the environmental quality objective "a non-toxic environment".

The specific aims and more about Tuffo can be found here. In the Tuffo program call, researchers can apply for funding, but proposed projects must be carried out in conjunction with the industry and coupled to existing contaminated sites in Sweden, where investigations or treatment are taking place. Suitable stakeholders to involve are for example contractors, consultants, facility owners and monitoring agencies. Grants shall be administered by Swedish universities or colleges or other Swedish public research institutes. The grant holder may not be a research unit that is profit-driven.

Applications and evaluation are made in a two-stage process, where Stage 1 includes idea outlines and Stage 2 comprises full applications. Of the ideas received in the Stage 1, a subset is selected and candidates are invited to write a full application, Stage 2. Applicants can submit multiple idea outlines in Stage 1, but only one can proceed to Stage 2.

The evaluation is performed by two groups, the Stakeholders' panel whith representatives of consultants, contractors and authorities, and the Scientific review panel consisting of Swedish and international researchers. Formal decision on award of contributions is taken by SGI. Projects with both technical and economic cooperation with other actors will be given higher priority. In the evaluation, great weight will be given to the collaboration with industry and/or stakeholders and exploitation of results.

Page was updated 2023-04-26
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